Friday, October 24, 2008

Myth Volcabulary

1. Myth is the tales of gods and goddesses, a symbolization of human experiences and a way of explaining why things are the way they are. An example would be the Demeter Persephone and Hades myth.
2. A hero is the founder of something new who models human behavior, fears death, is universal and helps the community. An example of a hero is Hercules
3. A hero journey cyclical, the hero goes through a transformation, a final battle, has companions and gives a boon or a gift to the community. An example of a hero journey is the Egyptian myth about the Sun God.
4. Universal applies to all. An example of universal is duality.
5. Archetype is the structure or original model of a myth. Examples of archetype are the creation myths.
6. Cyclical goes in a cycle. An example of cyclical is the Egyptian myth about the Sun God.
7. Duality is opposites existing as one. An example of duality is order from chaos, like in the creation myths.
8. Creation is the starting, beginning or origin. An example of creation is the Chinese creation myth about Pan Gu.
9. Cosmology is the study of the world or universe. An example of cosmology is the creation myth of Genesis.
10. Life from death is when death creates life. An example of life from death is the Chinese creation myth about Pan Gu.
11. Matriarchal is the foundation of female power, the mother rules. An example of matriarchal figure would be Tiamat from the Mesopotamia creation myth.
12. Patriarchal is the foundation of male power, father rules. An example of a patriarchal figure is Zeus in Greek mythology.
13. Sacrifice is the tribute to a god, giving up something for the benefit of others, something for something greater, an offering or a gift. An example of sacrifice is the Christian belief of when Jesus died on the cross.

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