Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Myth review deff!

  1. Vikings: The Vikings were from Norway, Finland and Sweden.
  2. Ginnungagap: a dark void
  3. Nifleheim: the land of fog and ice
  4. Muspellheim: the land of fire
  5. Yggdrasil: World Ash Tree, connects all 3 worlds
  6. Asgard: the home of the gods
  7. Midgard: the land of the man
  8. Hel: the home of the dead, or the goddess of the dead
  9. Bifrost Bridge: divine bridge, a link between humans and gods, form of a rainbow
  10. Ymir: a wild, fierce, and evil giant
  11. Odin: god of all gods and humans, domains- wisdom, war, witchcraft and poetry, god of storm and night, had many women and many sons
  12. Frigg: wife of Odin, cloud spinner, most powerful goddess, domains- love, destiny, and marriage
  13. The Valkyries: Odin's daughters, "choosers of slain", hero selectors
  14. The Norns: fate maidens
  15. Thor: the warrior son, strongest son of Odin, domains- thunder, battle and fertility. fierce temper, mjolliner was his hammer.
  16. Balder: the beloved son, son of Odin and Frigg, god of radiance, rebirth, justice and light, he was beautiful and killed by Loki
  17. Njord: Odin's brother, domains- wind and sea, patron of sailors
  18. Frey: god of fertility, prosperity, sun and rain
  19. Freya: goddess of love, fertility, beauty, magic, war and death
  20. Idunn: Odin's daughter-in-law, goddess of youth, keeper of the golden apples (youth)
  21. Loki: son of the giants, half blood god, shared blood with Odin, magic powers, trickster, cunning and deceitful, many disguises, was evil and had evil children.
  22. Fenrir: "The Wolf Destroyer", Loki's son
  23. Jormungandr: the world serpent
  24. Ragnarok: doomsday, final battle,
  25. Runes: the language of Norse mythology, symbols, communication, used to read your past, present and future

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