Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hero Quest (application project)

The Hero Journey of Perseus.
Pitchford, Gareth. "Perseus and the Gorgon Myth Pack". CD-ROM. Primary Extra Online Store. 29 October 2008.

1. The Call to Adventure: The call to adventure is when the hero is given a task or job to do.

"He stood up before them all and did exactly what the King had hoped he would do, declared that he would give him a present better than any there. He would go off and kill Medusa and bring her head as his gift."

(Picture by me)

2. Companions and Super Natural Guides: Companions are the friends and sidekicks of the hero. Super natural guides are the aide that gives weapons, info, tools ect.

Companions: Danae- "... the winds and waves struck fear into her heart she put her arms, not without tears, 'round Perseus tenderly she said 'O Son, what grief is mine..."

(Photo by me)

Dictys- "... a fisherman named Dictys... They had no children and they cared for Danae and Perseus as if they were their own."

Guides: Athena- "But another great deity was at hand to help. Pallas Athena stood beside Perseus. She took off a shield of polished bronze... 'Look into this when you attack... You will be able to see here in it as in a mirror and so avoid her deadly power.'

Unknown Artist. "Athena" Unknown date of publication. Unknown medium. 29 October 2008.

Hermes- "... for he would know that this could be none other than Hermes... This radiant personage told him that before he attacked he must first be properlly equipped..."

3. Initiation: Initiation is leaving behind the familiar and entering a world unknown.

"There were some fearsome monsters called Gorgons... Polydectes evidently talked to Perseus about them; he probably told him that he would rather have the head of one of them than anything else in the world."

(Photo by me)

4. Journey: The journey is the trials, tasks, or jobs of the hero.

-"To find the nymphs' abode, they must go to the Gray Women who alone could tell them the way."
- "He was bound, although he did not know it, to the blessed country of the Hyperboreans..."
- "Then he aimed a strike down at Medusa's throat and Athena guided his hand. With a single sweep he cut through her neck..."

5. Ultimate Battle: The final battle, or test of the hero.

"He waited beside her untill the great snake came for it's prey; then he cut off it's head... Perseus took Andromeda to her parents and asked for her hand..."

(Photo by Me)

6. Boon: The Boon is a gift to be shared.
"Then before any could look away he held up the Gorgon's head; and at the sight one and all, the Cruel King and his servile courtiers, were turned into stone."

Photo from (edited by me)

7. Transformation: Transformation is when the hero is altered someway in the final battle.

8. Death/Rebirth: Death and Rebirth is out with the old and in with the new.

9. Boon: Founder of Something New: The gift is shared with other people.
"He made Dictys king of the island... "

(Photo by Me)

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